Really good information- needs to shared far and wide as there is definitely dark money flowing into ID especially those pushing ranked choice voting and open primaries! Thanks again Tim

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Precinct walking is an awesome way to communicate with and take the pulse of the voters. Unfortunately, in rural parts of Idaho, this won’t work due to a multitude of NO TRESPASSING and PRIVATE PROPERTY signs. You may be greeted by a shotgun!

If you have any ideas for other ways to reach such rural voters on a personal level, I’m all ears.

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Good point. Maybe if you do reach a 'nearby' neighbor, you can ask what the scoop is and have them pass info along?

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Good thought! Unfortunately, many of the rural neighbors aren’t nearby and winter roads can be impassible too. But we’ll keep trying for sure. (We’re almost ready to publish a county GOP website, which will help.) If you have more ideas, do share!

Hmm, if only we could get church pastors involved. They have a great reach if only they would do so. Non-partisan topics could be addressed at first. Then churches could host meet & greets in person or via Zoom.

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Interesting our local GOP refuses to have a FB page or website - "It's to much work" that said we created a site to spread information they won't ! What county are you in?

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I personally would not want or use a FB page — too much propensity to propaganda, ad hominem attacks, and lies.

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Living in rural Idaho- using social media- our local GOP is useless (they hate Dorothy Moon) so we started our own page to spread information and get people involved. Besides the concern of "shotguns" just the distances make precinct walking difficult-

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Fortunately, many of our rural county’s Idahoans do like GOP Chair Dorothy Moon. But you’re so right about the distances. Our county soon will be announcing a website that we hope can bring people together.

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Fabulous work, Tim. Will share for sure! Thank you.

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